Our geo-science and environmental science students hail from a wide range of institutions and disciplines. All are interested in scientific research and are participating in our study of biogeochemical processes in northern upland and wetland ecosystems.
2013 Students
Matthew Osman
Augustana College
Geology major
Matt Osman is a 21 year old from the rural farmlands of southern Illinois. He is inconspicuously writing this bio in third person. He is currently a geology major at Augustana College, IL. Matt enjoys science, adventures, and pretty scenery. He attempts to fill his life with these things, often simultaneously. Matt climbs rocks with incessant enthusiasm. Unfortunately, Illinois has more corn than rocks. Fortunately, Matt appreciates corn, too. His other favorite things include thunderstorms, glaciers, and cheese.
In Sweden this summer, Matt will be monitoring ebullitive (i.e. bubbling) methane fluxes in lakes using an acoustic hydrophone detection system. This is an exciting, novel method, which will ultimately allow him to listen for bubble fluxes on very long mp3 files. He has most recently been concerned with recalibrating this system to more precisely relate recorded frequency resonances to bubble volumes. In addition to measuring daily flux coefficients, the acoustic approach will provide an incredibly high temporal resolution which will be important in discerning exactly when and why these fluxes are occurring.
Matthew Osman with research poster "Employing passive acoustics as a temporally precise monologue for constraining ebullitive methane fluxes in warming subarctic lakes." |